Doing a kosen judo tournament Tomorrow with 0 judo experience as a no gi bjj guy with no months of training
Lazy quick weapon recommendation list
Weight help.
Finished the Japanese course after a very long time.
To skip or not to skip , that is the question
Striking art to add once a week to a grappling art?
Cards vs Slots
I think dosundadas are giant tontatta hybrids and usopps mom was one
Need Assistance on What to Do Next
The Duffer Brothers are FAKE UKLG FANS: a pedantic and unnecessary critique of a single line in an episode of television that came out like five years ago lol
Can I Use All Weapons On One Character
I love how alma has to give you permission to kill.
AGL forces monthly billing
No longer 4 remaining words?
Spend on what?
Will manga end soon?
What to do
Advice for JUDOKA visiting an AIKIDO Club
Card list for trying to break 100
Information about crystal caves
Group play Meta. Best methods for tackling monsters in Wilds.
Pauline Hanson fronted the microphones to announce what One Nation was calling a major policy announcement. The only issue, she seemingly forgot to announce what the actual policy was… at least initially
What would you say is the most painfull trow you experienced?
Is this a good judo workout
Issues with PlayStation