I drew Boyfriend from FNF as a cookie! If BF had a cookie name, It'd be Blue Sugar cookie. Sick!
Gimme a random fact about your country, and i'll try guess where u from.
Usernames pls!
Give me a cookie and I'll tell you how they'd be in a relationship with you (Scroll to read the rules)
Check the comments
HahAHahAha ThiS gENErAtION Bad alsO phoNEs BAd HAhAhA
Did we ever got a confirmation on what tf he was holding here because last I heard was it was a phone because we all thought he was phone guy years ago
Trading all but favorited pets/items!
First 3 words are what 2022 will bring you..what did you get?
Trading these, any offers?
Sing a song, but one word at a time
trading, LF meerkats/crocs/hedgehog
[Insert problem here]
Traded cloud car for neon ride husky, I don’t care if it was a lose, it made their Christmas and as long as they’re happy I’m happy with this trade :-D
TRADING: No Potion Newborn Hedgehog and a No potion Newborn croc.
Is it just me or…
Whoever said that ties are only for men, they are dead wrong
Everyone knows what to do
what did you guys ask for for christmas
Give me two cookie run characters and I will try to merge them together