Musician/ex-breadtuber with 115k subs fakes DID/OSDD on second 20k subs channel
The greate war
[FBI: ECAP 23] 07-AUG-2024 Sheet, Fan, Stuffed Animal(?)
Having a male best friend and aromate
Can anyone tell me what these are?
I do not understand queerplatonic
Anybody else think Merida from Pixar's Brave was aro ace spectrum?
More trigger warnings
(Tw:people who police language) people who police language suck
My Romantic/flush dynamic opinions only
New alter help, aka Akinator
Looking for good diverse sim creators
Question about consistency (Which lacks) How can lapis make it to homeworld so fast when a redeye without gravity engines make in 70 years?
Found in my kids’ sandbox
Headspace nonsense
Some of you may remember this, a person claiming to be genderbent technoblade the day his death was announced, then publicly executed in the official fdc discord server
Don’t mind Valentines
Drying your clothes after washing them in the sink…
Has there ever been an instance of Cartman being a genuinely good person, without some self serving motive or end goal?
How old is everyone in here?
With Great Sadness
Everyone tell me everything you know about cicadas RIGHT now
I took a picture of this Camponotus intrepidus
Stonetossingjuice x Antimeme crossover
Son sewed a shirt for his Dad.