(yes this is my voice btw💀)
[KCD2] Accidentally killed someone in a fight which made Henry trip balls
What is something you hope to see in G6?
You Know I Keep That Thang On Me [OC]
Qilby deserved an OVA instead of Oropo. The dude has so much untapped story potential, especially with deciphering which of his statements are lies or the truth.
Est-ce que mon copain est un pervers narcissique ou ne se rend-il juste pas compte ?
Who do you think is the best sister/caregiver out of these three?
God, Louis looking angry is such a turn on, I feel like he's about to do some bad shit to me
How would y'all feel if Imu looked like this?
Speech againt Trump, by french senator, Claude Malhuret.
kurloz makara is mexican?
Actually, a lot of opinions..
2 requests done, thought I’d put the grey ones together eughhh
When the villain with no redeemable qualities shows a rare moment of weakness/regret
Oh Scootaloo. Maybe you don't wanna be here in this moment.
Me in every minor inconvenience, Robin is just like me 😮💨
STB (Sommes-nous) de vouloir faire euthanasier notre chien
Name a character that could give Conquest a fight he want, not too OP character
Create a superpower you’d ethically not want to use
They didn’t change Shrek’s design the animation just got better
Mm... mhm.. ☕️🤨
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
Between this and trying to sell me expired baby formula, Arvio really is so unlikeable 🤮