I have absolutely zero plans to live to see my 30s
Women of Reddit, what do guys do that you think is cute/attractive but they don’t know it?
Guys of Reddit, what do women do that you think is cute/attractive but they don’t know it?
What event(s) took place during thanksgiving this year that ended up ruining it for you and/or your family?
What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great?
(Serious) why do you follow religion? What makes you believe in god(s)?
(Serious) what’s it like dealing with Bipolar Disorder?
Why are people so awful?
(Serious) what was the worst thing you’ve ever seen on Omegle?
This show is absolutely destroying me
(Serious) what’s the darkest side of humanity that you’ve ever seen?
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said?
What’s the dumbest thing someone has ever said to you?
(Serious) why did you vote for Trump?
AITA for leaving my boyfriend “for no reason
Who is your celebrity crush?
(Serious) how did that one kid at your school pass away?
Women, what’s the creepiest thing a man has ever said to you?
People who did the “chase bank glitch,” how’s it going for you?
AITA for yelling at my partner for driving erratically?
(Serious) what are the genuine pros and cons for each presidential candidate?
WIBTA if I asked my partner to not smoke in my dad’s house while we’re on our trip?
Women, how often do you wash your favorite bra?
(Serious) women, what’s the creepiest thing a man has said to you in public?
How do I go back to my playlist?