Deadnaming 'X' as Twitter is Hilarious
Prichael: sapphic edition
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
Which sun and moon sign is this 🙈
if mj was a modern fashion top model
What sign are you based off of your cake day?
What The Floof YouTube Kids! 😡
The Jackson’s calling Marlon Fred for 1 minute straight
Songs about being in a hotel or motel
what photoshoot is this from? mj looks so fresh here
People/things with stupidly long names
Popular Songs (by popular artists) that make you go "ohh that's them?" upon finding out who made them
What’s your Lilith and how is it ruining your life 💀
Thoughts on Content Machine?
Ah yes, Black Or White is a soulful R&B ballad
Which Rnb/Pop star(s) did rock the best?
Again, what is this even gettin at
Random Lulu pics
You vs your mom
(Personal Tropes) Movie scenes that make one cry no matter how many times one watches it
Describe what it feels like to be depressed in one sentence.
On a video about terrifying fish (look at the bottom comment saying “Women”)
She's Playing Piano (pt.1)