[16f] 17 soon, lemme try this again, can I have some genuine people :(. Anyone from Canada? But idrc anywhere works, I’m gonna delete this soon
What an awful person. He is on this page btw
[16f] I’m bored have school tmr, it’s 12 30 am, be real don’t be a creep, be genuine tell me abt you, sorry if I reply late if you text later I’m usually busy a school and stuff but I’m willing to take it off Reddit if we connect
[16f] GUYS IM SO BORED, can someone hmu pls 😭. So sick and tired of this stupid routine, why is school so draining 😢
I hated that doppelganger trope so bad, it just got boring after a while
'The thing about pain. It demands to be felt'. -John Green.
Bro this is so true
idk why this makes me kinda emotional
Like there isn't- she crossed the line- ik she was in love with him but...she just forgot abt Stefan? How did the unbreakable love that moved mountains become something she could willingly leave??
Was scrolling thru pinterest-then found this? Damn. Damon must've been in pain-
16f- I wrote a poem tryna understand what I was feeling- this prolly isn't the right space to post but tbh I'm too tired to care and ya just wanna
Isn't Elijah like the most sincere character ever and we just overlook that so much? Maybe he's even more than Stephan