Thank you for making a resource pack that makes fallen leaves green. Better Leaf Litter Pack
When is the new content update coming?
When is the new content update coming? I made a post about it over two months ago. But all we got was a new battle pass?
Lego Fortnite...Dead ?
Hallo! 🥰I finally bought a new mouse, now I can work on my map in the open world again. Added a different ambient. Bats and ghosts with fog. What do you think? Is there any other way to improve the visual?🥰
For the sake of experiment, I tried to make a second version of the open-world map, but in darker tones, something like the Elden Ring. What do you think?
Which thumbnail looks better?
Reign of Nether RTS / I tried to build a gold mine. The only drawback is that it is endless. ( I really liked the mod.
How to make the NPCs empty-handed? I couldn't find the tutorial I needed on YouTube. I'm asking for help ^_^
Made some major changes to QoL elements, lighting, the landscape, assets, and just about finished all the custom items (30 in total).
Who should be the next Icon Series skin?
I'm on my "open world" map, improving the village according to your advice. But I think it's worth starting a second version of the map, where the landscape will be created from scratch. What do you think. Is it a good idea?
У берегов Тенерифе дайверы сняли крайне необычное поведение рыбы-удильщика: глубоководное чудище плыло вертикально вверх, Что именно заставило его всплыть неизвестно
I prefer the new firefly design... what about you guys?
Open World Fight place Test. Question: Is it possible to make a certain area with different lighting? I want it to be night and purple light
Apple создала «живую» лампу. HomePod ведет себя как настоящий питомец: следит за хозяином, реагирует на жесты и даже танцует. Звонил Pixar, просил вернуть
My open world map. Fight place test
You work in a laundromat doing chores, nothing out of the ordinary... Code: 1121-4745-1757
Do you nuke your city for fun.
What fortnite battle pass skin you regret not having?
Hello friends, I need some help. How and how could the starting village be improved? Maybe you can put an NPC? or some kind of buildings? Interactive? I would be grateful if you could help.🥰
I was flying away from my base and I found one of my villagers in the middle of the ocean?? How did he even get here
Just Bought my First miku figure i hope that Is not the start of a Miku figure addiction 🫣
Someone bought the entire pallet at Costco…