New Detachment better for battlesuit heavy lists
Sa'cea shadowsun
Is Kauyon really that bad?
Commander Azurewrath, XV86 proxy
Farsight, Darkstrider and Firesight
Commander Azurewrath, XV 86 proxy
1000pt Experimental Prototype Cadre List C&C
I don't know what people are on about, the Ta'unar has pretty good point to kill cost.
Battle report: Exp Cadre vs Gladius ultrmarines, 1000pts (win for us)
The Caor'vesa experiment expands to the Fe'saan frontier
Farsight or Ethereal for EPC detachment
400g of Tuna with Mayo, please
Finally finished my Covenant inspired T'au Vespid killteam
Exp Cadre starter 1k list
Help me look out for holes in my prebattle plan
Theory crafting new detachment with Taunar
Rampager proxy WIP for covenant-style Sa'cea army
Layer lines!? Where??
Open cockpit Riptide mini-diorama (finished at last!)
Biggest model so far
Help with list - prototype weapons cadre
Ta'unar Supremacy Armour list.
Open cockpit riptide mini-diorama (finished at last)