I think being stuck 5 minutes is worth that memory
please please help me she has never acted like this
this man will be praised eternally.
Round one of my perfect pickle project
He cannot talk about this without crying.
This is our pitcher plant we got fall ‘24. The two that were growing are now drying and two new are growing. Should I clip the ones that are dying?
Least unhinged MAGA boomer
Is "The Diff" the dumbest thing ever included on a scorebug?
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
Was Ned the most underutilized character?
Thoughts on signing Malik Beasley to a long term deal?
Post Game Thread: The Detroit Pistons defeat The Indiana Pacers 130-106
I’ve posted about them doing this a few days ago and people laughed about the idea
mAkE aMeRiCa hEaLtHY aGaIn
RFK: Are you gonna tell people that I did that? That I housed this burger?
Has anyone here ever watched Detroiters? I just found it on Netflix and it's great! It's more like a regular TV show. Not as good as ITYSL but there's definitely some great moments.
Let’s say your country elects a convicted felon
MAGAts lurking in this sub to find anything to report back to orange bozo
My opinion on this sub since the election.
Cade's blocking ability has impressed me
Giannis on Stew "he's a born killer"
First home for my wife and I. How are we doing?