Unpopular opinion; Why does everybody want “every building to be enterable”?
If I (male) take Menstrual Complete pills for period pains for my headache, will I begin to have a period (or the male equivalent)?
Man you can't blame this sub for going insane, it's a little crazy...
This combo is so good
Damn for a subreddit about weed yall got hella rules to follow
We are just months away.
GTA 6 costs 500 million dollars MORE than the worlds tallest building, the Burj Khalifa
*NEW* Trailer 2 Day OG Flair Poll
Updated my concept of a night version of a shot from the trailer.
i just need to wait
GTA 6 coming 10/29 - revealed by a poster in Max Payne 3 (2013).
I was 12 when GTA V released, now I’m 57 and still waiting for GTA 6…. time really flies
Leaked screenshot? (These might actually be legit)
One of the worst fakes i’ve seen
Petition to make a flair for all active members before the game releases
Rockstars recent post..(click on the link given in the post and scroll down) also more emphasis on the face on the window… they know exactly what they’re doing.
Why was my post removed again?
I've (17F) been lying about my age to this guy (27M) I've been talking to for months
Jealous and anxious of people that I shouldn’t be
POV staring at a wall (Cool image trick)
Choose which GTA game represents each color the best DAY 1: Red
DON’T FORGET: Get your abortions out of the way before Trump gets in office!!!!
Say anything and ill connect it to SLIM SHADY