Assorted Crisis Events comes out TOMORROW! Check out the website for an 11 page preview!
I'm Deniz Camp, writer of the Ultimates and the upcoming Assorted Crisis Events! AMA!
Assorted Crisis Events #1 comes out March 12th!
Thanks to everyone who reads THE ULTIMATES
Ultimates #1 Cover by Dike Ruan
The Ultimates Cover Revealed
Thanks to all who read Children of the Vault
The 20th Century Men Graphic Novel is out in comic shops this Wednesday, May 24th!
/r/ImageComics Series Highlight - 20th Century Men
The 20th Century Men Graphic Novel is out from Image Comics NOW!
20th Century Men by Chris Brunner (Loose Ends, Southern Bastards)
Return of Magic, Jessie and Bloodhound in Bloodshot Unleashed 4
20th Century Men/Spawn Takeover Cover
EXCLUSIVE: Deniz Camp and S. Morian Preview 20th Century Men #2
Thanks to everyone who picked up 20th Century Men
Deniz Camp Reveals the History Behind 20th Century Men
Fancy Bastards were dressed for a funeral! (Agent of WORLDE 2 Excerpt)
Agent of WORLDE, out June 22nd from Scout Comics! Tell your shop you want one!
I am a NICU Nurse in Brooklyn, NY and we are letting black mothers and black babies die.
Maxwell's Demons 2 out TODAY at your LCS or Comixology! Give it a try!
Maxwell's Demons 2 available NOW at your LCS or Comixology! Give us a shot!
[Free Comic] MURDER ONE, from Deniz Camp (Image, Vault) Federico De Luca (Scout Comics), ET Dollman
Writer/Editor Seeking Untapped Artist For Non-demanding Long Term Project [Initially Unpaid/Potential Future Revenue Share]