Your body needs carbs. Diet culture glazes protein and demonizes carbs.
Should I accept an offer here?
Thanks, CICO. I’m Officially No Longer Obese
They're just fine with the NC
So I think they realized something... Did they repost your Job?
When did you stop using a baby tracking app?
did you really wait six weeks..?
I'm over "mother's rooms"
✌️I quit
When did u stop dreading bfing
I needed a place to share this humor 😂
Not signing the severance?
Happy Valentine’s Day! Note to self: buy cookie cutters for the next holiday 😂
Strike or Unionize
Lack of talent
They are silencing us
Did you block them from your kids too?
Day 700 of an unending cold calls for this weirdo meal ✌️
When did you move your LO to their own room?| I don’t feel ready but needs to happen!
I dont think my baby would even notice if we stopped breastfeeding...
Help with discussion points for a mother who thinks one year old baby is “too old” to breastfeed and condescendingly shares that with me under guise of “loving advice.”
Tonight’s dinner, brought to you by Chick-Fil-A
To all the moms who have lost weight breastfeeding…
WHAT do you do with Brewer’s Yeast?
What I offered vs. what she ate