Who else is excited for Netflix's upcoming reboot of Wizadora?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
i am sobbing
Drivers who didn’t pass first time, what went wrong?
I beat the system
Join the queue
Queued up, found a test, site crashed.
Useless website!! (average booking experience)
Fine, Where Are Yous At?
What happens when you get up at 6am on Monday and are through to pay for a test
Should I switch instructor?
😅we all jus need to laugh
Why do people say cats stink?
Is this a normal process when changing instructors
Driving test booking
Stop waiting until 6am for test appointments.
So annoyed at myself
Failed for a silly mistake
My test is tomorrow morning 🥹
Is there a reason I can use the inner lane to go first exit?
What are some small, underrated things that instantly make a guy more attractive?
Are twiglets meant to taste like burnt sticks or have I got a did pack?
Corrie filming in my area today
Do you get grossed out by unwanted attention from much older men?
How many hours did it take for you to actually become decent at driving? I've had 20 hours of lessons so far and I'n still pretty shit