Rockstar never gave us what was shown in the first trailer — backpacks
I need to visit Türkiye right now😳
“Insert app name”
Pinterest is a plentiful harvest
The bababobbybee subreddit is crazy
Like what do you mean my grandma was sold to my grandpa for a horse😭
Yes i am convinced to this
Too many Nas
Not As Bad As He Looks Like.
Grandma what the hell
Most delicious s*rvian meal
What are your Top 5 things to do in Nürnberg?
Who’s the most forgettable president?
What's that one song that u skipped for no reson but you decided to hear it and now you love it
Whats your favorite Nas track
[The Happy Wanderer] Why are such important people playing cards at such a shitty place?
Kurt Cobain is older than 3 of the 9 justices on the US Supreme Court
rfk saying antidepressants are harder to come off of than heroin is a perfect example of why we are fucked
What is that song that plays at the end of Mo Money Mo Murda (Homicide) by AZ??
What would you do if tomorrow you woke up in a Nazi German City in 1940?
D-Girl is the worst episode
What role did the cokehead cutie pie play in Nas dropping out of high school
Karen Shoots Down Homeless Men, You Won’t Believe IT!
What Nas songs(and features) go well while smoking weed?