Devs, please add a way to track which fish the Gold & Silver Trophies you have unlocked!
Future banner via wuwaguy
12 Different Brant Builds vs Thundering Mephis
Best pulling advice ever
Are you all happy with the pulls in this game?
Please Kuro, I’m begging, please add this to ALL your combat events!
Missing hat!
Phoebe build 100/300 crit done..
Rise up, fellow achievement hunters
Well I don't know
Since were heading into the last week of this WhiWa cicle what are your thoughts on the mode so far?
What Crit Rate Do You Usually Settle For?
Which VA you want in Wuthering Waves?
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
BitGold Cost Efficiency (as of 3/8/25)
What is your hottest Wuthering Waves take?
Season is not as bad as I remember or as people think
What it feels like playing Enya - Tempest
This patch's skins is the lewdest one so far I think
Why do people hate the Gummi Ship?
What's your most memorable video game fight that you're meant to lose?
It's the new intern for sure
Struggling with Whimpering Wastes; any team comp ideas?
Empty Wallets Anyone?
Would you be mad if there is no flight in next new region. ?