The boys who were in love with me before are all married now and I'm still by myself.
Lied to my wife about who the flowers were really for
IKEA App Users, share your thoughts 💬
All my life is being spent with hope.
I have a coworker always asking "Are you ok? What's wrong?"
Gunk begone!
Why is the light in the oven yellow?
AITA for refusing to go on holiday with my cousin because she invited her friends?
Having your own space really makes such a difference.
AITA for making my ex "homeless"?
As a late bloomer, I know now why many people "settle down" in late twenty's and early thirty's.
AITA for telling my poor friend that he's actually the privileged one now?
How do I pet a dog?
My hands are nice again!
Colleague competed with me about how they have a longer commute.
I write short stories for myself.
Why and how did we all collectively agree we didnt care about our ringtones and that we weren't going to change them anymore?
Don't overcommit? Got it new friend, thanks for the tip
AITA for refusing to give up my Neopets account to my niece?
Packaging has become so wasteful!
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and am scared of the pain :( What can I do to survive the aftermath?
AITA for being disappointed in my SO for not taking a day off, getting into a fight and spoiling a surprise proposal?
AITA for my response to my son's "gender disappointment"?
I gave my son $800 in gifts and my daughter $4000 in cash.
AITA For letting to be mansplained?