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Ponzi Schemes vs. Waanverse Investment Network (WIN): Know the Difference
I'm a Tanzanian and i like how my country prioritizes kiswahili in any scenario. It's always kiswahili first then English or just kiswahili.
Were you admitted at the hospital last year?
Dating things
Where to keep money other than the bank, where it can slowly grow
Prostitution in Addis Abeba is rampant
Forex trading
But what is our Ugandan army doing in south Sudan?
Desperate to save my business
Weekend is coming folks, what are y'all plans in your area?
Ugandans produce too many children
“Belgians destroyed Rwanda, killed Rwandans and this history goes beyond just the past 30 years. They say, ‘We do not allow you to do this or that,’ and we ask them, ‘But who are you? Who put you in charge of us?’ President Kagame
Looking for a Local Agent / Partner in Uganda for Japanese Used Cars Business
We have come full circle
Let me shoot my shot
Land Sale
How did Belgium acquire Rwanda as a colony?
Hey everyone, let's hear what everyone took for breakfast today?
Mountain Elgon, Uganda🇺🇬 #OutdoorsyUganda
Crime in Kigali
Do you love your current job?
How much does a teacher at an international school in Kampala earn monthly?
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