Actually had a positive deepwoken experience today
On EVERYONE'S soul I've created the greatest build(gatekeeping the oath and race)
have a daily dose of meme
Lowkey seeing improvements, definitely needs some fixing tho
Screw the meta, send me builds so downright ass drowned gods intervene
My flash is so buns (slide1 with flash slide 2 without)
new deepwoken manga dropped
Living my childhood dream of having one of those
You are seen
Dawg what the hell is THIS
7 year's going strong 🔥🔥
Academic improvement
What's your opinion on Frostdraw?
Just realized the reason I wasn't getting stream notifications was because I wasn't following ryai twitch account....
What's your opinion on flamecharm?
After 7 year's,their time finally came💔
Some mf threw a rock at my head when i was 6
What was the craziest thing someone has ever said to you on discord bbg?
Diddys attorney the same mf who Represented OSAMA BIN LADEN in Court quit on him
On everyone souls including me this is what we want to do
Has this game affected you in any way mentally?
What is your elo and your most hated build to go against