How’d we do? Master bath/closet
Anyone else feel like this isn't real?
Setlist predictions?
helium is my favorite new song from last week
Concert posters?
Did anyone get their tix delivered to their account even though it says delivery delay?
Let’s hear your cats legal name and all of their nick names (w/ pics)
Nontransferable tix on StubHub, etc
Nashville Show Megathread. 3-6.
Alright at this point I know one of you has insider info. Let's hear it.
All posts have been removed official Brand New instagram
Supporting bands
Setlist for upcoming shows
What bands are on your wishlist for them to tour with?
Show tomorrow - where did you travel from?
Starting a group chat for folks flying into Nashville from out of town!
Rumor of a rumor
Announcement Day 31 - All Bands* - DC
Any other Canadians going to back out due to Trump?
Everyone Behave
Florida has at least two more "The" bands
Me comparing the sizes of announced Warped Tour band names to see if any could be Brand New
It's been a few years since I last played... Why are none of these visors seated properly?