Total Rewards from Summoner Duels if you decide to grind
March Heroes 2025 Predictions
Assuming the Legendary, Mythic and Emblem Event at the end of the month means we are getting three characters, who do you think they will be?
"Do you speak FEH?"
What is in your opinion the most unnecessary nerf to a mechanic in recent memory?
For awhile I was led to believe SD was the worst thing ever. I dare say it's ok.
Fallen banner is coming up in a few months. What is your ideal banner?
What has been your most embarrassing waste of orbs to date?
How bulky is Duo Rhea in practice?
Do you think we will ever get base Fafnir in the game at this point? What is the future of other unreleased OCs going forward?
What enemy is this? What am I missing?
R.I.P overlord Pompey it's Shame you wasn't playable
Player Phase Vs. Enemy Phase (which is stronger currently?)
ZZZ characters at McDonald's
[OC] I drew Elm because I am still mourning that his base form is not in the game :')
Who is really the best modern far savior in the game currently?
Before (double) Mythic (or L&M) trailer drop, i'm gonna (re)post this memes for lulz
Emblem Lyn is kind of overrated to be honest
New Year 2025 Banner Simplified & Analysis
Discord Commission DM (scam?)
Legendary / Mythic / Emblem Hero Rerun and Remix Calendar (11/29/24)
Legendary & Mythic rerun schedule (November 2024)
With tomorrow's double Mythic Heroes banner, Njordr is once again the only OC not to be playable in ANY form (original or seasonal)
November/December 2024 Event Calendar
Man, Fáfnirbros must be in shambles right about now.