What is happening here? (Wrong answers only!)
What state is Danny Phantom from?
Jack's doing some studying.
Looking for players from 2008
Heart of a Hero: Chapter 26
Making long over 24 hour drive soon. Any unique advice to make it more tolerable?
So are we not going to talk about how Dox was running an 100 card deck? Guy is playing EDH in Duelist Kingdom
Best crossover guy for Kim?
Headcanon : During their marriage katara fixed aang's collar every time he had an important meeting
Characters who could technically be in Smash because they first appeared in a video game. Please list more examples of this.
what band or singer these characters might love listening to
Can we say that Early Days Collection flopped?
Upgraded Classes
Just a reminder that there is an official Yu-Gi-Oh cereal, and it is NOT called "Yugi-O's"
Strange hypothetical: All but one singular Yu-Gi-Oh card is banned and every game is now a 40 vs 40 mirror of the same card. What one card would make the most fun format?
Why was Danny so surprised that this hurt him?
I blame Tumblr and TikTok
What year did you start your aqw journey?
Random shower thoughts:Who is the Ranger with the highest body count?
How Tall do You Think ALL The Characters in Season 13’s Heights are?
If Dark Danny is Vlad and Danny combined, why doesn’t he have Vlad’s memories?
Streaming AQW