Recent Legendary skins quality drops VERY hard.
What’s going on with skin quality?
Battle Academia Xayah, Rakan, Kayn & Qiyana Prestige Ability Preview
Grand Reckoning Alistar has been deleted
Hextech Chests, Rewards & More | Dev Update - League of Legends
/dev: Hextech Chests, Getting Champs & More
Alistar's new skin is just a chroma!
Exalted Skin: Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser | Origins of Noxus - League of Legends
Season One Check-in | Dev Update - League of Legends
Another gacha skin is coming to LoL: Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed
Blue Essence buffs are a trap
Exalted Skin: Radiant Serpent Sett | Launch Trailer - League of Legends
Welcome to Noxus | Dev Update - League of Legends
The Signature Immortalized Legend Collection is set to cost a total of... 59,260 RP
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread - Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
Riot is yet again nerfing the event pass
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Breakout True Damage Ekko
Mythic Variant: Breakout True Damage Ekko
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Commemorative Prestige Edition skins
Heat of Deimos Supporter Pack Giveaway!
The Entity Was So Displeased That It Took Away My Chainsaw :(
You asked for it, here it is.. Referral Megathread!
[TOMT] [VIDEO] A mistery/thriller series on youtube
Exclusive skins of the birthday event? Why?
Digimon Tri. Chapter 2 discussion thread