What is your age?
Como se comen el platano?
Muchachos... confirmen si soy el único al que nerfearon :(
Although SS is an novel published in English, what's your mother language and where are you from?
Sunny just handed out the roadmap for everything he wishes to do in the future, no way this story ends in only about 1320 chapters.
Effie when she starts remembering Sunny
Why did sunny said he's dead and not human anymore back in 3rd nightmare (his future self)?
Nightmare Gates???
Sunny: tasted many things, a nephilim's a first
Recargar Zinli con USDT, alternativas al Dorado?
Genes don't lie 🗣️🔊🔥🔥
[Discussion] The “Most Petty”Award Goes To…?Name any Character from Manhwa/ua/ga
The “Most Petty”Award Goes To…?(Name any Character from Manhwa/ua/ga)
It may annoy you but she's correct😭
Musica anime y gamer en radio nacional…
Para los que dieron sugerencias. Ya lo arregle
[LOTM new reader/chapter 17] one thing that keeps bothering me about the setting is that it feels like someone is always watching Klein and me as I read the story
[COI 980]
I made this in like an hour
Day by day probability is increasing
First Post
toda la serie batman en oferta hasta el 20
Manera más eficiente para comprar Gamepass de Xbox?
3k chapters confirmed
Sunny and Modret if they ever team up for world domination.