Improvised Blood Vial
I'm starting Remnant and Ent is my favorite boss so far. This game feels sooo like souls and I'm quite a fan of that. Probably the most underrated game of 2019. I'm loving it.
My Moonlights
Red9 is back baby!
not steam related
Is the side stuff worth?
Sekiro or Elden Ring next?
Love Remnant, got recommended Outriders which I already love as well. More suggestions please?
Should me and my friends get remnant 2 or the lords of the fallen
Weird graphics glitch, no idea how to fix : ( Help
Only 6 days!
Which mod got you like this?
How can I riposte a boss? I see their Ki going down but I dont have the prompt.
Issues with new account, server side or is it me?
Which character was this for you?
¿Qué libro te arrepientes de haber comprado?
Is it worth buying XC2 in 2025? I’ve only played a little bit of XC3 and I’m tempted to get XC2 but I’m not sure if the 3 games are interconnected and I need to play them all
I wanted to play with these key bindings for Invisible Woman but it forces you to have Pull on your E, I wish I could leave it as default Right Click.
Por favor necesito referencias de este libro! 🙏🏻
New Costumes for Captain America and Luna Snow coming February 7th!
¿Que les parece este libro? Joyita o sobrevalorado?
I was lagging and when I came back I saw this, WTF xD
Idk if this is a hot take or not but, I prefere to lose in a close match than getting steamrolled. At least is fun.