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[21/02/25] February Fridays @ Royal George Soho
Mamicevo Predviđanje 2005.
Material Suitability for Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)
How Long Does One Need to Take SSRIs or Other Medication for Anxiety, Panic Disorder
Interview About Second Hand Buying (British, Gen-Z)
Relationship Between Secular Buddhism and Antinatalism
koji je po vama najbolji kineski restoran u Zagrebu?
Archimedes Method and Open Porosity
I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists (a new nihilism out of moribund capitalism)
Is Cultured Meat Micronutritionally Equivalent to Real Meat?
If death is the final end. How does secular Buddhism circumvent the issue of nihlism?
Is God the present moment?
Does Taking Supplements to Get Micronutrients from Animal Products the Same as Eating Animal Products?
Nutrition of Vegan Diet
How often are you all eating meat?
SSRI eliminated my negative thoughts whilst Eckhart made me aware of them
Ceramic Polishing
I think I fixed my anxiety too much
Now I know why people with extreme anxiety commit suicide.
What do the teachings of Eckhart Tolle say about minor things like telling white lies, engaging in consensual casual sex, being a coffee addict, etc.?
Why Do We Feel Much More Tired from Lack of Sleep the Day After Tomorrow?
Ask ENFJ anyone in London want to grab a coffee?
Euthanasia Availability for People With Severe and Treatment Resistant Mental Health Problems