Senior about to graduate with Bs Biochem
Edible chemistry?
Dead sparrow - near Madison
TIL someone invented a card/board game called Agony Aunt.
1 kg of compost contains up to 16,000 microplastic particles, finds new study. The scientists suspect the origin of these fragments are “biodegradable” compostable bags used to place food and garden waste into.
Am I missing something about Darn Tough socks?
SFAH: Things you don't hear from the restaurant kitchen when you're waiting for your meal
Garden hose time; what do we think if these options?
Unusual irregularity in peak asymmetry
Why is our star called “sun” but why is our moon just “the moon”
This does not inspire confidence in Crawfords campaign.
UV-Lamp turn off / leave on
Poker but there's no such thing as a winning hand. All cards, and all combinations thereof, are of equal value.
Inappropriate times to utter the phrase "Let me/them cook".
Does the aluminum foil in pill blister packs transfer?
Glad to see he finally got his live back on track
Is there anything from Amazon/home improvement store that I can buy to seal these types of holes around my rental air conditioning unit?
Vintage weighty metal device. No writing. When top bar moves up, jaws close as angled pieces move through hole.
Ain’t It Just
Associate Field Tech - Stryker
I’m getting non-linear response
Remote Trigger Agilent 1100
ELIC: Why is it called a ranch if it has beef cattle but a farm if it has dairy cows?
Is there an HPLC certification?
Chromeleon is not producing a flat line, instead showing me the gradients of my solvents (see more below!)