Top 5 fanbase let’s go
I prefer “dormant” but “non-existant” is just disrespectful
Better late than never??
Tax Question
I want to build a home. Is that a good reason to not use an IRA?
Taxi/ Uber early morning?
Seahawks beadwork. Lmk what you think!
Suspecting I have AS--questions to ask my doctor?
Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks {1-2} @ San Francisco 49ers {2-1} [Week 4]
Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks (1-1) @ Minnesota Vikings (0-2) [Week 3]
All time Playoff passing yards as of 2021... Where does Russ end up?
How to Avoid the Risk Cold War
RNA breakthrough creates crops that can grow 50% more potatoes, rice
Fruit tree in an old fire pit
Interesting Permaculture Criticisms
Richard Sherman Arrested in King County WA. Charges: Burglary DV INV
First time wwoofer, left the farm after a week