Brutal Ard Boy
I can't get past 18 killa kans
Has anyone based a battlewagon with deffrolla?
Finished a Big Mek for my New Year Project: Da Ghosts of Tallaaagh-nuh!
Made a MegaGoblin instead of a troll for my Blood Bowl team
I'm so hyped about the new Gitmob Preview
Ready to make some friends!
My Alpha Legion Kill team; using Phobos Kill team rules but with some fun Kitbashes using Horus Heresy Upgrades. Really enjoyed it :)
The next Sump Sea Revolutionary: Leon Plopsky!
Another addition to the Sump Sea Revolution: Guy Squeaks!
A leader and mascot for my Sump Sea Revolutionaries!
The Start of my new gang: the Sump Sea Revolution
Some Brethren for my Sump Sea Revolution!
Sons of Behemat Terrain?
Just so we’re on the same page… Kroot are going to overthrow the Tau some day right?
Some Kroot Krisis Suits
Kroot Broadside if you don't think about it too hard....
Can you build Kroot Rampagers without the riders?
Kroot hounds
Lone Spear on Panther Chameleon
Sumpiosaurus Custom Vehicle
Started a new Hive Fleet
Emperors Children Thunderhawk: Perfections Strive
Ogryn Chopper!
Having alot of fun playing around with some basing for these tiny knights and such