What do you think Nomad, Fury, Vasily and Fixit do for R&R (Rest and Recreation) on Auroa when they aren’t fighting Sentinel, Bodark or Wolves?
Need Advice on Christian Dating as an Introvert (Online & In-Person)
Need advice on how to gently end things
Am I insecure/immature for revoking offer of friendship with my FA ex?
Guy I like tells me he mostly sees me as just a sister in Christ.
Hot take: Save your sanity by moving away from dating apps.
Is it safe to move on from someone after they stop being consistent and not planning a second date after 2 weeks of having the first date? Would you move on to after somebody stop being consistent?
Is it biblical for me to divorce my husband bc of this?
Russia warns Australia of grave consequences if peacekeepers join coalition forces in Ukraine
Having dinner with a homosexual couple?
“Where are all of the good men/women?”
Is My Faith Genuine If It Is Based on Intellectual Submission to Truth Rather Than Emotional Connection?
My Future Husband Checklist Open to Feedback
Mindset of a Food Scientist: Does this describe you?
Hot take: "Love at first sight" is unhealthy. Check your need for attraction and chemistry
Is Christian dating too complicated by the world?
***Solving this pursuit debate RIGHT NOW***
Thoughts on this "no longer interested" communication?
Please Stop Using Ruth to Justify Male Passivity
Secure attachment difficulties.
Are there any hints in dating profiles that show you somebody has a secure attachment style?
(FA) ex wants a phone conversation.
Struggling to find the right experts to help extend shelf life - am I asking the wrong people?
What denominations / theological positions are dealbreakers?
"Doesn't like labels" - is she "bad at dating" or not interested?