how do you store your sourdough??
The crime of povery
Strange looking car
Our products would be so many mirrors in which we saw reflected our essential nature
Wasp mount I finished recently
Anti-Vaxx Mom Whose Daughter Died From Measles Says Disease 'Wasn't That Bad'
to be the victim
How I've felt since 2020
Whats the deal with Trump dismantling the DOE?
Lots of unexpired sunscreen
This Seven-Spotted Ladybug I found today layed an egg on my hand, then proceeded to eat it. A friend of mine made it into a meme worthy gif, so I’m sharing it here.
Service Dog Meets His Hero Tigger 🥹
The owl was not happy 😭
From this to that!
stupid fucking idiot cries and then falls to his doom
My soul is destroyed
Newbie looking for help baking a half recipe
Friend’s MIL told her to make this into a tea
I want a blanket of cats too
Ptolemys gotta go fast💨
maybe i’m crazy but is it really this deep in modern day corporate america?
Asian Lady Beetles in the US, does anyone care anymore?
When Dogs Realize They're Going to the Vet
How hilariously cute is this
Found this bag outside my hotel room