Is Reddit just a giant echo chamber for doomer takes and performative liberal circlejerking, or is there anyone not just parroting the same tired nonsense? Hard to believe this many people can be this smug and detached from reality.
Okay, guys, I'm curious. Is Superboy Prime really real, like is he a real person? I heard that Superboy Prime used to post on DC's message boards in real life, defending himself in forums.
Conquest's monolog gets the attention it should, but there's another line that I thinks underappreciated.
new from derek
Man with chainsaw at old folks home tazed and shot at by police (he lives)
Nothing like a Long Island mutiny
Cheaper gas = bad
to be the victim
How I've felt since 2020
If it’s not Tom Holland, I’ll be upset
Post this to scare a comics editor.
Tell me your not an incel
Male romantic loneliness is due to women not putting up with shitty behavior anymore
Does this seem weird to you?
Happy Snyder cut day ya’ll
[Comic Excerpt] It’s Time (From Absolute Batman #6)
How can I convince my girlfriend of an open relationship? Am I wrong to expect some novelty?
This is legitimately concerning.
Morw Telsla cars on fire 🤯🤯🚘🚘🔥🔥
Batman batcan.
I don't think Immortal deserves all the hate.
If you were to write a spinoff series, either a prequel, sequel, etc, which character would you focus on?
One of the more selfish posts I’ve seen
AITA for not visiting my grandparents even though I might not see them again?
If Invincible can see the future why does he get his ass beat so often? Why did he leave Immortal in charge of earth if he can see the future?
If you were put in charge of making the Imortal relevant to the main story in the next season of the show, how would you go about it?
Robert Kirkman teased that ‘Invincible' Season 4 may include an unused storyline where Mark fights the Devil.
[DISC] Sakamoto Days - Ch. 205
I had it easy apparently