bow propaganda. thats it.
Does it suck to have someone ride the monster in grp ?
I'm sorry, is this Monster Hunter or Dark Souls? Did I download the right game?
Best switch axe build ?
"Game is too easy" Please tell me I'm not the only one getting rekt by "the thing with 6 tentacles"
what causes this? im playing on 60 fps 3440x1440. trying to find the best way playing.
Is the dlc better than the base game boss wises ?
Do the bosses get better in the dlc ?
Crashing on decent PC
Where do I start??
Lower quality to stop stuttering?
Can we bump up the FPS to 120 or 240 ?
A Step by Step Full Guide to play Bloodborne on PC
Corrupting 4 perfect rolled Ingenuity Belts
Made this amulet, All the luck i have is went into it
I doubt the glass cannon meta is what GGG intended for PoE 2
Married Life
More Omens Plz
I got a lucky start into 2025
Minor gripe: Any chance we could go back to this? It's way better.
I thought we would be done with this kinda of loot in poe2, but here we go again
Spark is fun until this guy appears.
"People will no longer accept an ARPG that doesn't have instant buyouts for a trading system, so therefore we need to change, and we have to move with the times." -Jonathan
So Ive had this since Act 2....
Multiple Transactions