people really forgot about this huh?
Words matter
What quietly screams ‘rich/wealthy’?
You'd nether believe it, but take some 4k SkyBlock teasers!
Things change
crtl+click disable?
Disabling control click
When turtle buff and ofa nerf happening?
(Blood warning) I don't think I've drawn Hawkfrost here before and I really like how he turned out.
on a scale of 1-10, how real does this look
Weekly Questions Thread - (December 13)
Who did you want to die in ALITM
self promo
Get him to 10 mill
wheres bristlefrost?
10. Thousand. What on earth.
In defence of bristlefrost and BristleXRoot
Bristlefrost x Rootspring is good. Fight Me.
What are you hoping happens to the current protagonists in future books?
Rootspring and Bristlefrost
Please let this happen
My Tier List
Genetics Part 3,4,5 and 6. Firestar, Sandstorm, Leafpool and Squirrelflight (request more cats in the comments)
Uh oh