Yikes. Found in Alpine.
What was your "gateway song" that got you into riddim?
Have you ever listened to a track and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards?
What game is this?
Hardest drops or most Insane dubstep songs you've heard?
What's that game that everyone loves but you don't like it?
What have you been listening to (a lot) lately?
What are your Top 10 Riddim tracks?
i heard your cries. more pics of my pitty and my beagle being best friends/siblings
got my pitty a sister and he is obsessed
Has anybody found a way to pull the void capsule out yet?
so... what happened to slen? did he quit?
What’s your favorite bass music/dubstep banger that dropped this week?
Alright let's hear it. Whats your favourite genre of dubstep?
What is the most brutal, heaviest Tearout song you've ever heard?
Favorite tune?
It’s 2am, suggest me the best/filthiest riddim possible
Artists that are slept on‼️
Moon Base was chosen as the worst level. What is the hardest level?
What game got you like this?
give me your favourite song ever.
Elon Musk, more like ___ Musk.
Trump just signed a new executive order banning _____
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
How many ass can you shove up your pickle?