Back door roth question
FYI Vote YES for AiBnB Tax
Wrong DOB stated at time of booking
This is the third Sunday in a row we’ve had an earthquake!
Self check-out item limit
I had to laugh when I got this
Is it legal to take a photo of a neighbors property — camera over the fence line? Unincorp KC
I've learned some key things from this sub, but Brokerage-link is one I wish I knew earlier!
Neighbor’s Fence Is 1.5 Feet on My Property Line — Haven’t Closed Yet.
Some people seem to believe that the stock market will always go up in the long run "just because"
Using 529 funds for private Efterskole tuition in Denmark.
Am I the only one that's a bit relieved we are seeing a correction?
So am I supposed to change my body or not?
I'm never leaving Seattle
Boycott Tesla
So you think you want to light a Tesla on fire
Submitting to another man
Is green gonna become dated?
Coyote pup spotted
Donkey Doug in Workplace Harassment Prevention Training Videos, Seems Quite Fitting
Bus driver in Japan hit me when trying to pay fare
Thanks bud
Advice: I can’t cum when I feel pressured
I want to stop the bleeding.