What’s a lie you were told as a kid that you believed for way too long?
I thought you all my appreciate these scallops I seared.
It's Late Thread [ 24 March 25 ]
The automated cash register gave me all my change in pennies.
Which Bird expert can help?
Drunk Driving a Golf Cart
How common is it for you to get woken up by loud noises in the morning?
Any idea what these fish are?
What ruins a burger ?
Meet Javier! This is his first spring and he’s loving the porch.
Chilli murgh chips rice and naan
What are your chi’s favorite dog treats?
Shauna Bannon gets it done!
Whats your favorite recent indie game on the Deck?
I used to eat it only in restaurants, and now I bought one for home(in India). I just love this! [McIlhenny Co. Tabasco sauce.]
*machine gun tweeting intensifies*
Should I just apply some glue and stick it myself? Or take it to service centre?
It's Late Thread [ 17 March 25 ]
My coworker got me a birthday present and I am completely speechless
It's Late Thread [ 13 March 25 ]
What do you play besides Melvor?
'UFO' spotted in the county Durham area today 🛸👽
Passenger gets violent with hammer after being told to pay excess baggage fee