How did you guys come up with your online Alias/Username?
Rate my top 5 maps(not in any order)
Opinions on The Tomb / Shatter Veil
Is there any way to play a 5v5 against bots?
Rank these four zombies maps from best to worst.
Why exactly is Jessica Jones Season 2 considered so horrible?
Which easter egg step is this for you
What is your video game version of this question?
[COD] Who is your favourite silent protagonist in the whole franchise?
[COD] Hot take but this was the last truly great 10/10 campaign
What are your thoughts on Ascension? is it really mid?
[COD] How would you rank the COD developers from best to worst?
Tips for Citadelle boss solo
[COD] Which COD games should I play and which should I skip?
Managed to unlock my favorite calling card, Box Addict.
What’s your predictions for the shattered Veil
I just opened up your fridge cause i’m thirsty, whats there to drink?
What agents do you main and why?
2nd round light buy: pointless rant
[COD] In Your Opinion,Which Is Best Call Of Duty Mission In History?
Need help deciding on a new mouse due to the sheer amount of options in the market
What's game that you always keep coming back to????
What are your most used characters from each position?
What color outline are you playing with?