P2E or DND 5.5?
When is reusing characters acceptable vs unacceptable?
Killa kan's missing Rokkit launcha's
Which kill teams are truly one box?
Taktikal Brigade playable?
Found this gem for 50% off
Need an opinion: which background looks better?
Ways of getting into orks aside from the combat patrol.
Inspo needed: Show me your best kitbashed SAG Meks!
Burnas with more Dakka?
I am struggling to paint.
What is the most frustrating thing for you about playing the game of DND as a gamemaster?
Runes in sword, any ideas?
Un-Snagga Your Boyz
BIG Mek w/ SAG
Mario 3D Kill Team Board
I think I reached my painting limit. Can anyone suggest ways to improve further without an airbrush?
Kustom or official clan?
Anecdotally, how many hobbiests that you know now prefer Kill Team over 40k?
How would you improve/shade this?
Army Building Questions
Moar Power Klaws
Been painting long enough; time to learn how to play 40k
Would you pay money to play DND?
My army (my very first, amateur-ish, and super sloppy army) is almost finished!!!