Houston merch
do i have eyebrow blindness?
do i have eyebrow blindness??
favourite song?
Calculator in need for my exam. Desperately need
How did you discover Nirvana's music??????????????
Need a change! What color best suits my features?
I got the whole live
Need a change!! Hair color? Hair cut?
made this necklace as a gift for my girlfriend, thought some people may enjoy :)
Do you use powder for a natural dewy look?
Whch makeup items are you the least crazy about and which are you the craziest about?
How to get the under eye to stop creasing/improve blending
Ladies, do you wear makeup every day?
Detailed enough?
Song recommendations
It's literally unhealthy how much I love the song Hearts/Wires
Songs like entombed or beware?
asking your opinion on a Deftones song day 35: Needles and Pins
Most underrated Nirvana song?
What is the worst case of food poisoning you have experienced, and did you give up that type of food for a while?
Went to the emp/mo pop in Seattle. My favorite part was the nirvana room, here’s some pictures I took!
Average Age of members in r/Nirvana?
Whats your favorite lyrics that you later found out you misheard