How do i get rid of my belly???
What are your strategies to kill sadness and panic/anxiety immediately?
Would you step into white male dominated office with a huge straw cup (is that an expression lol) of iced coffee?
Wie und wo bewahrt ihr eure Pfandflaschen auf?
How to treat hyperpigmentation and slight itchiness (is that a word lol) on legs?
Do you also feel like watching the show 24/7 is the only thing keeping you sane because of distracting you from your problems?
Würdet ihr eurem (psychopathischem) Chef bei der Kündigung den echten Grund nennen?
Where do you buy your jilbabs (Europe)? Is there anything i need to consider? Do you like jilbabs with large trousers or rather the ones with a skirt?
How tf do i befriend fellow muslima in a masjid?
My (24f) boyfriend (28m) told me he will break up with me in two weeks
Wieviele Überstunden könnt ihr maximal pro Monat abfeiern?
I (24f) am in need of some advice by women regarding my partner (28m) please
In need of some advice regarding my partner
In need of some advice by women regarding my partner
Hochspezialisierter Job
Why do i feel the burn after going to the gym but never after a home workout
Am i a bad kid for staying alone while at vacation?
I am trying one of those indoor fast walking workouts. How many calories are realistically burnt?
Kennt jemand den Zustand dieser geistigen Benommenheit?
Was für ein (einfaches) Essen kann man abends für die Mittagspause vorbereiten?
Entscheidungshilfe Praktikum
Wo geht man hin, wenn man (nachts) Panik- oder Angstattacken hat?
Sportangebote für Frauen in Stuttgart