Roses are red, I think I'll pass.
First time powering on, to E200 error Code, looked up ways to fix it, doesn't work
I mean wtf? I was gonna preorder, but now I'm gonna wait for a sale I guess
Started playing Halo Master Chief Collection (Digital Download) on my XBoxOne S, Halo Reach & CE loaded fine but game crashes when i want to load Halo 2/3/4 saves
Anyone else tired of "Please Cobi make this", followed by a real life photo of something?
Mehrere Fragen eines Azubis
McDonald's giveaway code
Need some help understand something about me
Been watching a lot of MK recently on Youtube and now want to get me one of the games
Got a XBox Series S from a friend plus Game Pass Ultimate
"mom and dad said we gotta tidy up" art by narklos on twitter
What game have you put the most hours in?
Duolingo about to warp gravity
Attention Pedophile!
Can anbody tell me where this piece goes on this set? The instructions were confusing.
Only 1mm penetration? This is a bug right?
WhY dId I dIe? I aNgLeD mY KiNg TiGeR! HaCkEr!
Inside of the Leopard turret, in the German Tankmuseum Munster
Track to Tank, probably easy for you all
How good is the sta 1
What's the highest damage you ever did on a turn?
One comment = one spin, i'll spin the wheels until i have one of my playlists on spotify --> i tell you how many songs in the plylist --> you pick a number --> i tell you the song
Gotta love gaming logic where this is an uncrossable bridge lol
Let's go gambling
What game do you have the most hours in?