can someone make it make sense?
Höj skatten. Alltså allvarligt ta mina pengar.
It took way longer to complete this church than I anticipated; there were some redesigns and rebuilds. There are still some detailing left to add and adjust.
Trump says Ukraine 'should never have started it' in comments about war with Russia
What a mess!
Your feedback is GOLD! One more question: do these door variants make sense? What’s Your First Impression of What’s Behind Them?
Alright so. Does Bob still look like dick? (First one is the new one)
Second guessing
Yes, in Europe is free speech censored.
Pleased with this one so far...
Moved my farms across the river...animals can't cross bridges apparently. Is there a way to remove them?
Looking for a laid back city builder, convince me why i should by Foundation.
Well... Prestigious burg: achievement?
My first 1.0 save. 1250 "mostly" self sustained. lots learned for next save
Do any of you actually promote your citizens?
Harbor at Lakehead
Coincidence? I think not.
rusian stock market this morning after Trump "peace plan"
"Hi, I need help choosing which one to choose. Thanks!"
all my tools and resources are being brought to an individual building site
Esto es posible? This is possible?
How many of the pathing/supply issues do you think are "bugs" vs "features"?
Urge to Polymorph Games to release Foundation on Mac