What my boyfriend did to the cookies I bought for us to share.
Skin Showcase: Black Panther - Thrice-Cursed King
Gonna try new Pallbearer
Black metal gatekeepers be like:
New bar in my town (not op)
New bar in my town
My kids swing hooks after four years of use
DIY Monkey Foot to hold you til next payday.
22 years
Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
QP is not fun
Dropping in the louisville bowl
My girlfriend drinks a bottle of wine per night, do I talk to her more seriously about it?
This girl needs more doom metal albums to listen to. I NEED SUGGESTIONS
Kava Hangover?
I still don’t get why moon knights ult starts before he’s even started his voice line
Weed and skating?
If you were a beginner again what would you do differently?
Which tricks are best to know how to do "cold"?
I'm Experiencing a Bug with the Practice Range
Black dust keeps appearing in streaks on my floor
What is this on the surface of the water..? Have visited this lake in many months/seasons and have never seen this before. There have been some wind storms recently. Sauvie Island, Oregon
[22] what am I missing?
So I really messed up…
40M Divorced, two kids
How often can you drink kava without developing tolerance?