sms texts going to old phone
PAID (Stop panicking everyone)
What restaurant is inside your Walmart? If any?
Have you guys got paid yet?
I beat Ruby with the exclusives!
Who is regularly hitting 50km a week?
This is why it’s important for team leads to pay attention to trucks
Bonus sucks ass
Anyone else’s store getting rid of TC’s?
Recommend jump shots for a 6’10 pf with a 80 3pt
Confess your Walmart sins.
Question about bonus
All of my shifts have been removed????
Anyone else have a story behind their DS?
Very tempted at this price!
Games similar to road 96
Need Help Finding A DS Game
Paid $160 for this, real??
y’all ever accidentally use a cap breaker ?
this works?
I recently finished the game and most of the songs in my opinion are really good so I was wondering what is everyone's favourite song from the game - my favourite is The Road
I'm never getting this guy back
It's this kind of thing that makes me love this game.
Do y’all agree or disagree with this take on OG Fortnite?