The Chicago River has been dyed green in preparation for St. Patrick's Day
This scene from Mickey 17 shows exactly what happens when a writer/director takes a great book and says "I can make it better." I'd like to give my sincere thanks to Bong Joon Ho for ruining one of my favorite books.
POV: You're a Jedi, you're with your longtime crush. It's Order 66. You say "fuck it". How long you able to hit before the Clones kick down the door?
ohemgee guys DAE think politics is just lyk star war???
Dog plays dead until pitbull is taken away
Drew this scene from War of the Ancients because of yall so here lol
Which one of you was it
How would you rank these modern epics from worst to best?
My best Acolyte moment it when they showed in live-action the coolest thing possible one time just to kill a fucking fly
If we ignore BFA's writing, which Horde factions would be against Sylvanas from the very beginning?
Different worlds, same location
Here are my thoughts on Star Wars: I think George Lucas created the franchise. Personally the og, pre, and sequels are all trilogies. Maybe there should be another Star Wars movie or show. The best character could be all of them. (Thoughts in text)
Is there shame in lowering the difficulty?
Vereesa windrunner should have taken the lead in the War Within
What is the relationship between sylvanas and lor'themar?
Another age-fail with Joaquin Phoenix. Joker and Bruce Wayne should be around the same age. So why the fuck is Arthur 30 years older in Joker?
SCP-682 in a nutshell
I am formally suing the Republic of behalf of my client. This poor citizen experienced Jedi Brutality while in custody, no due process or rights read.
Xalatath is a entity possessing a dead elf how can we defeat her?
Anyone had this exact experience?
Which one?
The Scoundrel's Cantina knows what's up
Empire strikes back was my least favourite original trilogy movie. The plot twist felt way too random and we already knew it from the previous 4 movies, most of it is just boring walking around in the snow and there is not enough time between episodes 4 and 5 to see Luke’s development
If you look closer you can see tits during the duel
What can fel magic do besides destroy?
Tatiana Maslany Reflects on the Highs and Lows of 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law'; "Jessica Gao Knew That Was Going To Happen"
Johnson: 51,000 migrants in Chicago stem from buses sent from Texas governor