is a frat party with an emo theme cultural appropriation?
[botw] Great Fairy Tera Cosplay
I need a name ending with "o" for this cutie
Found Kittens In the Garden
Anything for Single People to do on Campus on V-Day?
As a Sikh, what are you guys's opinion on him?
it hurts to look at
What do you guys know about this professor?
where to bleed out...
Taiwan Ikea
Hi need ideas
State Farm Team Member Vent: Story of My Life
cicada? beetle? friend? (Virginia)
Study areas
Favourite CWC'ism?
genuine question
Name Suggestions?
WIBTA for charging my friends extra for not leaving enough supplies for their cats?
When Will My Boy Get Fluffy?
Any Goth/Alt students at GMU??
How do I get rid of this? The stairs is unwakabley slippery cause of moss. I'm doing this for first time, is there any permanent solution for this?
Help me find sad albums
My boyfriend and I just got a puppy and are trying to come up with some 🤘🏻 names. Any ideas?
What does a person gift their deaf uncle for Father's day?