How feasible is a 180 switch to tallow and better oils in the US?
Am I cooked?
Another 230 coins bought. Have some faith brothers.
Obligatory "I bought the dip" post
Evolution of Crypto and XRP
XRP Futures Expected to Go Live on CME Feb 10
Need some advice
What are some of your realistic price predictions for XRP
I apologize...
Just a thought
Should I pull out my initial investment?
XRP-ETF an more
Fuck PP
Have 72k to invest, thinking about XRP
I can't wait until the 2 dozen of us left with this coin finally become hundredaires!
Pretty much everyone is furious with Trump over the meme coins
Newbie here, how did I do?
Whats your goal?
Where to keep emergency fund?
Yearly Dividends
Dumb Question
Anything wrong with Toro Company?
Dividends or stocks?