- Clothing brand
NIPT blood + NT scan
I finally know if my baby is in my right or left uterus (yes I have two)
Any guesses?
13 week NT scan and bloods
Compact car seats
Husbands *still* not a dog person.
When did you realize you're going to be a single parent?
Can a clitoris be trained to read braille?
He Forgot to Log Out, and I Watched My Marriage Fall Apart in Real-Time
I know like hundreds of people have asked the exact same question
Let's have a list of single sentences that describe what it's like to have ADHD or that people with ADHD say A LOT
UPDATE: Weird guy approaching people
Word to the wise - double check those first pics you send of baby to family/friends to make sure your NIPPLE isn’t in the shot.
Kobo went through the wash…
Probably going to get slammed for this but does anyone else fantasize about living alone ?
What's your baby made of today?
37 weeks. Don’t know how much longer me time I got
Being induced tomorrow, I’m scared.
No symptoms at all
My fault for expecting more from McDonalds Café.
Prolapse uterus
Acknowledgment for birthday.
Chip Sanga.