RoW unironically changed my life a bit
Very important difference
Now how is that fair?
Rosharan press conferences like
How do you pronounce Azish?
Fuck popular opinion. What are YOUR top 5 games?
Why does Navani badmouth Elhokar so much
Wow what a moment.
CMV: We've created a society where we want everyone to care about our problems, whilst we don't care about anyone else's.
My problem with shallan
Kholin boys POV during WaT
Draymond Green smashes bug with hand
That was a dramatic change
Parshendi really should easily have won the war on the shattered plains
Would Sanderson have a problem with me legitimately changing my name to Kaladin?
People need to separate their dislike of a concept from the actual quality of the writing (Frieren rant)
I know that stormlight archives does not have just one main character but what character feels like the main main character? Dalinar, Kaladin, or Shallan?
We all agree Kal has a type but we've ignored the most obvious ship partner
Whose book do you think book 6 will be?
I see you Navani, nice work. Fan Art piece by me 😈
Appreciation thread for Rhythm of War
Honoblades and honorblade accessories
Would you have blamed Kaladin if
Me when I get to a section of Stormlight featuring the Ghostbloods: